Propylene glycol is a widely used product across a range of industries such as cosmetics, coatings, food and more. If you have a look at your cosmetic bottles the majority of the time you will find propylene glycol in there as it attracts and absorbs water. It is also used in a range of food items such as frozen goods, ice cream, coffee, nut products, margarine and number of others
Industrial & DIY Uses:
- This is generally used as a heat-transfer medium.
- For paints and coating industry.
- The solution is used in manufacturing cosmetics,fragrances and personal care products.
- This can also be used in Food and flavourings as mentioned this is food grade.
- Adding propylene glycol to cosmetics and medicines will help them retain their moisture content. Food additives, toothpastes, mouthwashes, tobacco, lotions, hand sanitizers and saline lotions use propylene alcohol to retain moisture.
- Coupling agent.
- Pottery
- Also used to regulate humidity/heat in pipes and cigars to prevent dehydration.
Propylene Glycol, Beer Brewing and Anti-Freeze
The properties within propylene glycol is used to regulate temperature and chill within the brewing process. The importance of the glycol is to slow down the growth of wild yeast and bacteria in beerlines to reduce wastage. This also adds in the purification process of the beer.
Propylene Glycol, also known as Anti-Freeze, is a food grade solvent used in a variety of industries such as cosmetics, pharmaceutical and the beer brewing industry. Our Propylene Glycol is USP grade which means that it is food-grade safe.
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